Saturday 8 December 2012

Jared C Balogh In Session

4 tunes from Jared C Balogh created for the internet radio show 'Eclectic Music For Mind And Bodhi', and first broadcast on Dandelion Radio in June 2012.

Strides mp3 flac
Caught In A Realm mp3 flac
Shaking Off The Rust mp3 flac
Cyprus mp3 flac

Jared C Balogh In Session at the FMA

Creative Commons License
In Session by Jared C Balogh is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

Don Trust In Session

'Aint Don' by Don Trust is a 20 minute sound collage set created for the internet radio show 'Eclectic Music For Mind And Bodhi', and was first broadcast on Dandelion Radio in May 2012.

Don Trust-Aint Don

You can here more albums by Don Trust at bandcamp here.

Aint Don at the FMA

  Creative Commons License
Aint Don by Don Trust is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

Tuesday 9 October 2012

Don Trust - Tron Dust


Don Trust makes collage music that sounds like the picture above. It's clever and passionate and so, so full of colour. This is his 4th album, and to my mind the most consistent to the sense of a whole album rather than a collection of songs. The tunes do stand alone, but as with many wombnet releases, the language of the music needs to be learnt, and is therefore more comprehensible heard as a whole. There's great freedom here, as we are lead through the post-impressionistic landscape of the artist's mind. Vocal and musical samples are ripped up and rearranged, but ease gracefully into rhythmic and melodic beauty. No form is sacred, and yet harmony is achieved.
....Well, I've never talked about a release that way.....what am I? art critic or something? ....but Don Trust's music makes me think that way. It's very bloody clever, like the other great talents of plunderphonics, but for me there's none so soulful. I recommend you grab the FLAC of this to hear it in it's full glory.

  Don Trust is Brian Gibson from Ohio, currently based in New York. You can find more at bandcamp here, and at his website


 01. I Will  mp3 flac
02. But Who mp3 flac
03. Tries Freedom  mp3 flac
04. Whst Is  mp3 flac
05. I Must  mp3 flac
06. Automatically  mp3 flac
07. Seventysix  mp3 flac
08. Mother Of  mp3 flac
09. Menahan  mp3 flac
10. Shipwreck  mp3 flac
11. S(o)un(d)  mp3 flac
12. And The Death Of A Friend  mp3 flac
13. In A Futile Effort  mp3 flac

Tron Dust at the FMA

Michael Szpakowski of said:
"Anyone who has seen any of Brian's video work will immediately recognise here too the union of poetry - heady, strange, sensual - and discipline (and I mean the kind of discipline that is the pre-requisite of elegance, not discipline as some abstract moral quality) that characterises that work. There's a third factor, too, and for me it's a key measure or indicator or whether something detains me personally - all Brian's work is deeply human and humane. There's warmth and quirk and playfulness and sadness and tragedy and near despair, too - one feels addressed all the while by a companion human consciousness, a fellow sensibility - in some ways mysterious, and ineluctably other, in others so familiar as to feel a continuation of our own being. I'm too old to know whether one can dance to any of it but it certainly chugs along in the most contagious of ways."

Creative Commons License
Tron Dust by Don Trust is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

Saturday 1 September 2012

Chris Cook - The Lemniscate

The new album from Chris Cook aka Same Actor aka Hot Roddy.
Sitar, various instruments, software and vocal.

"It’s the first time that I consciously tried to make music that did a bit more than just sound original or merely pleasant. I heard a neat quote from Daniel Barenboim after I had finished the record: “Music should be used not just to escape the world, but also to understand it.” This record is quite personal and I’m trying to use music to reflect on the infinite stimulus around me and on the subsequent confusion within my own 34 year old brain."  Chris Cook

"wombnet isn't just about music. It's about getting what we really want. Not things...desire for things is's actually the desire to express 'being' that is common to all living things, that is what we truly want. 'Self expression' we call it, but I think 'self-less expression' is more appropriate. It is an act of giving, an act of love. What we all want is for this to be received, or at least to feel that our expression is complete.
I take my time with wombnet releases, working with the artists to purify and complete their expression. I do this by listening very, very closely. Success, to me, means having a harmonious and fruitful relationship with a musician. I am certain that art born of harmonious interaction is valuable. Never before have I felt such a sense of open giving and receiving with an artist, as I have done with Chris over the creation of this album. This is a perfect record. I am very proud to have had a tiny bit to do with it's creation, and extremely proud to release it on wombnet."  Peter Nelson

(Lyric sheet included)

01.When I Could Love mp3 flac
02.Two Squared mp3 flac
03.The Lemniscate mp3 flac
04.The Dark Room mp3 flac
05.The Gospel According To Dale mp3 flac
06.Stay On Course mp3 flac
07.Wake Up Deaf To Sirens mp3 flac
08.Stand Up mp3 flac
09.Place Like No Home mp3 flac
10.We Have Moved mp3 flac

'The Lemniscate' at the FMA

I asked a few people what they thought about 'The Lemniscate'.

Charlie Lewis at WFMU:
"It's a real gem."

 Henry Collins aka Shitmat of Wrong Music, Planet Mu etc:
 "I've rarely had any good emails lately, just spam, but yesterday I was happy to find Peter had sent me a link to Chris Cook's new album 'The Lemniscate'.
 Chris Cook is a one man band from London, using a sitar, Laptop and various other instruments and percussion to create music which touches the outer limnits, but also sings true to traditional styles of the east and west.
 This album is predominately vocal driven. Mood-wise it's beautiful, bleak and motivational. From The opening track, which sounds like a bizarre cover version of The Omen theme tune, you know it's going be heady and take you on a trip. 'Two Squared' has a folk feel to it but soon develops into a song about status anxiety, He sings "Take everything, take me offline, put me in a frame so big that it sets me free'" & "A breath of fresh air, not too daunting, not too dense" .. Lovely layering of vocals harmonies here, beautiful stuff .. The Gospel According To Dale pops and click's along rhythmically with cinematic piano and strange chord sequences that create an unusual atmosphere, very bleak, Made me imagine a menacing monster in the dessert coming after you.
 A bit of lightness peaks it's head up 'Stay on Course' is a somewhat motivational skit, a bit more conventional than the other tracks on this album but every bit as intriguing as the others due to Chris's use of unusual melodic structure. In 'Stand up' Chris sings humbly "I should be happy with what I’ve got, Stand up and take a deep breath" then he seems to loose the plot, head falling facedown on the organ while his laptop takes over with a mind of its own. Dub beats with manic hand claps trundle along skittering and flickering, ignoring the fact that Chris's head is facedown on the organ keys. I can't help think this song deals with some frustation issues.
 To sum up, this a moving and interesting album in which the once prevalent sitar takes a backseat to a voice, which sing's about the difficulties of coping with our existence but seeking positive way forward though music and ritual."

  Creative Commons License
The Lemniscate by Chris Cook is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at

Saturday 2 June 2012

Jared C. Balogh - Silent Anticipation


'Silent Anticipation' is the new album from Jared C. Balogh, here, free to download as FLAC or 320kbps MP3. 5 tunes of sudden beauty, hinting more at Stravinsky than Coltrane, with the occasional nod to complex prog of the early 1970s. Natural sounds in impossible combinations. This is an unusual album, and if you know my podcast you'll know I don't say that lightly. It's sometimes lyrical and sometimes challenging, depending on the mood of the listener. Like all wombnet releases, this music could only have been made by this person, at this time.

Jared C. Balogh is from Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. He formed this project in July 2010, applying a jazz ideology to a classical framework. This music is made entirely with software. Jared has releases on Surrism-Phonoethics, Enough Records, Classwar Karaoke, Headphonica, Happy Puppy Records, 45 Echoes Sounds, Sirona Records, Itsu-Jitsu, Taped Rug Productions and Blek Blekk and has collaborated with artists Lezet, Hal McGee, Sean Derrick Cooper Marquardt, Kawol, Igor Amokian, The Merricks, Sinus Buds, Charles Rice III and Dmah+++

He has several albums at the Free Music Archive here, and at his home page


01.The Anticipation Of Springmp3 flac
02.Fluctuations Of February mp3 flac
03.End Chapter mp3 flac
04.Silence Is Power mp3 flac
05.Ode To Lexi mp3 flac

'Silent Anticipation' at the FMA

  Creative Commons License
Silent Anticipation by Jared C. Balogh is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License .
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at

Friday 4 May 2012

What's happening with the wombnet website?

I've been a lot more musically active lately, and the wombnet website, which I originally consolidated to make less work for me, has become unwieldy, so I've split it into 3. This one, '', will be just for the netlabel. My podcast, 'Eclectic Music For Mind And Bodhi', has moved to it's own blogspot, but as usual can easily be reached at the address ''. My new reggae show 'Dandelion Roots' also has it's own blog here: There will be no further posts at this blog about my podcasts. Label business only. Keep checking back, though, as there's quite a few things in the pipeline, including new albums from Jared C Balogh, Same Actor and Don Trust.

Sunday 22 April 2012

Snail Bob - Unshellfish


Snail Bob makes music in his own terms. One might call this 'noise' or 'deconstructed punk', but as is so often the case with individual music, which I define as "could only have been made by this person, at this time", I struggle to give labels to this sound art. Actually, on second thoughts, this is a blues album.

Considering how sparse and sometimes aggressive the music, this is a surprisingly melodic and soulful collection. From the strangled rage of the Waitsian opener 'Angry People' to the amorphous soundscapes of the second half, this album expresses a wide range of musical and emotional states. S'Bob names Pink Floyd and The Residents as primary influences. Sounds about right.

Snail Bob has been doing this since 2007, and has a few CDs available from CDBaby

DOWNLOAD MP3 (111mbs) DOWNLOAD FLAC (208mbs)
You can also listen or download at the Free Music Archive and Bandcamp.

01.Angry People mp3 flac
02.20 Somethings I Miss About Margaret mp3 flac
03.Doo Wah Doody mp3 flac
04.Saint Ed mp3 flac
05.Count Dickula mp3 flac
06.All You Want Is Blue mp3 flac
07.Lay Down Ya Soul mp3 flac
08.Not Far mp3 flac
09.Melodic Death mp3 flac

Unshellfish at the FMA

Tracks 5-9 were originally released on the album 'And Other Irrelevant Persons' on Jignarania Records 2010

I asked a few people what they thought about this album.

Syd Howells, musician and egyptologist said:
"Listeners to this recording are greeted by what appears to be Captain
Beefheart being tortured by the Residents as they make a ransom call to
his family.  Other tracks include what I perceive to be an attempt to
condense the whole of The Dark Side of the Moon into a single track of
several minutes.  I love this record."

Creative Commons License
Unshellfish by Snail Bob is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at

Tuesday 6 March 2012

"Don't forget what happened to the man who suddenly got everything he ever wanted....he lived happily ever after"

March on Eclectic Music For Mind And Bodhi:
Just one hour this month...but read on.
Here's links for the free stuff:
Sounds from the Finnish Hardcore Techno Underground: Kovaydin Vastarinta Records
Dvorjak Remastered: Local Records
Black Sea Hotel live at the Golden Festival
Lovely Little Girls: Massive Vulva Cantaloupe
Jared C. Balogh: Revitalized Eyes
Kappah: Tribal Dances: Bedroom Research Records
Blue Ducks: Six: Records On Ribs
Chuck Bettis & Friends:Playfull Moaner

Also notable is a delicious collection of Balkan electronica from Green Queen Music, 'Balknaica v2'.

The big news this month is that I've started a new all Reggae Show on Dandelion Radio, provisionally called 'Dandelion Roots'.
I buy and listen to lot's reggae these days, and I've been playing it live for 4 years with my mate Gaz as 'Dub In The Pub' in Brighton UK. George warms up, I play to open the heart, and Gaz follows with the heavy bass. Resistance is futile. We are regularly joined by I Lodica on vocals and melodica. We are a dance outfit. Between us, we have decades of experience making people boogie.

I hear so much good new reggae music and re-issues of hard to find classics, that I want another outlet to share it. Hence 'Dandelion Roots'. I'll be focusing on solid dance tunes, but also the unusual, the sort of thing I might be reluctant to play on a night out, but would suit the DR ethos.

I have a lifelong relationship with reggae. I was 18 in 1981. Punk was over. Reggae was the rebel music of my generation, and it was also our dance music.
I lived for most of my youth in urban mixed communities, in the UK, where it was ubiquitous. It was later in my life that I came to realise the spirituality within the music. It often sings of suffering, but it feels life affirming. It sings of injustice, but affirms our self determination and the freedom of the spirit. It also sings of our friend and ally Mary. Hallelujahgobble. Despite the mask of christian imagery, it is at heart animistic, and indeed the rhythms are connected to ancient African rituals for invoking deities. The roots of reggae are the roots of us all, not just Africans. It sings of the Natural Man, the upright and humble man. No wonder that reggae has spread all over the world; it speaks to a need within us all, to remember how connected we really each other, yes, but also to nature.

We are at home, and never left the garden.

A statue of Kali in College Square, Arnab Dutta, Kolkata.

There are a few changes to the website.

The artist's bios are up. Thanks to everyone for answering my questions. I asked the kind of things I want to know. I hope it illuminates.

There are a few reviews for 23ID-Bird Flu.
Thanks to Maclej, Jason, Dellamorte and Louise.
I'm very happy that we reached 500 downloads in the first month.
I've admired Karol's music for many years and I'm gratified to play a part in getting it heard.

Next on wombnet:
Snail Bob: Unshellfish
.......coming soon....

Lastly, for my own purposes I wish to share this picture of my father, who died in 1976, but whose loving presence I have never felt so strongly as I do now.

I and I is misty in I roots.

Wednesday 1 February 2012

I think we can stretch to a dog.

I've got a bit behind with website. There's some artists' bios I haven't quite finished, which I'll try to complete this month. I've got some reviews of 23ID's marvelous 'Kung Flu' album.....ditto. Also another dj set to upload.But, as it's the first of the month, I thought I shouldn't delay in telling you about this month's Eclectic Music For Mind And Bodhi on Dandelion Radio.

First of all, for a laugh check out this Four Lions Hilarious Dubstep rmx video on youtube.

As usual, I play a lot of free music. Please support free netlabels using the creative commons license. 'Free' isn't just about no payment, it's a question of our freedom.

Proboscis by Bunfly is a compelling and evocative treatment of Rachel Bond reading her poem. There's a 9 minute edit here, which I play on the show. The full version is 45 minutes here. The short version came from an excellent ambient collection 'Classwar Karaoke Survey 016'. That's a free net label with many more downloads here.**********[77] has a 4 track electro-dub ep '[tv2]' at Polish. Try it here. I think it's a bit special. Not fancy, but spacious and pretty and patient. Lovely late night pipe music.**********French singles netlabel Beko has had 100 releases. There are a few excellent compilations available at the website here.**********More dub and bass music, and another Polish release you've got to hear is 'Dub Is An Experiment With Drum And Bass', a 5th anniversary compilation from Ninjahlab here.**********Glorious metal from All The Empires Of The World with the album 'Return' here. That's from Records On Ribs.**********BuzzRo 2011 is a collection of electronica from Romanian netlabel Local Records here.**********Ergo Phizmiz's netlabel Chinstrap continues to satisfy. I recommend the 'Chinstrap Christmas Party' here.

I want to mention Icecapades records from Manchester, who are the UK distribution for Pregnant's new album 'Life Hard-I Try. It's not a freebie, this one, but well worth a few quid from bandcamp here, and while you're there check out their earlier release from Irma Vep.

Don't leave your Dad in the rain.

Tuesday 10 January 2012

23ID - Kung Flu


A stunning collection of 5 tunes from 23ID, solo project of Karol Bujalski from Warsaw. With a long background in experimental music as a youth and with Polish exp/elec combo 'Wrenched Dandies', and under this name since 2005, his music is intelligent and satisfying strongly rhythmic IDM. As the name suggests, it's infused with discordian sensibilities. It is often unsettling, like the strident opening to this work, but there are also passages of intense beauty. Finely balanced, in an unbalanced way.

The vivid artwork is by Bernard Luc.

This free album represents some themes in 23ID's work over the recent past, and serves both as an introduction and as a prelude to a commercial release of current material later this year.

23ID website here.

DOWNLOAD MP3 (58mb) DOWNLOAD flac (176mb)

Or head over to Bandcamp for a listen. You can download there and even make a financial contribution if you wish.

As usual, this album is also posted at the Free Music Archive.

01. Avatarinirishstyle mp3 flac
02. Bird Flu mp3 flac
03. Happy Idiot mp3 flac
04. Drunk Moldova part1 mp3 flac
05. Drunk Moldova part2 mp3 flac

'Kung Flu' at the FMA

I asked A few people what they thought about Kung Flu.

Maciej Lorenc, editor assistant of "Transvision Magazine" said,
"Extremely weird, experimental IDM, highly recommended to all lovers of altered states"

Jason from Rag & Bone Records said,
Its a very interesting in depth rewireing of disparate dark elements. I like the glitchy breakcore-esque vibe to it."

DJ Dellamorte of Codex Machine and Radio Spiritpalnts said,
"Charmingly original and originally charming electronica. I especially love the old-school-raver-in-blender vibes of Bird Flu."

Louise Kattenhorn, producer at BBC Radio One said,
"At once beautiful and sinister, it's unnerving music, dark old skool rave and electronic loveliness warped by swarms of robotic insects."

Creative Commons License
Kung Flu by 23ID is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at

Friday 6 January 2012

EMFMAB January

I often wonder about the role of the radio DJ on the internet. The comforting voice from the little box is a thing of the past, and websites...your you more information than a person can say. I can't stand the way some DJs sound like they are in the club...which mean's that you are club. "I got this tune the artist sent me...I got it free but you sfuckers gotta pay". Any of you know what I mean? Are you "not in the gang"? Neither am I.

This month's Eclectic Music For Mind And Bodhi on Dandelion Radio is well worth a listen...but of course I think that. Honestly though, I'm amazed at the new music I find every day. Very little of me in this episode. Just a joke and an introduction. I want to draw your attention to a few highlights. All the below are licensed Creative Commons and free to download.

Something you must hear immediately is Red River by Tickle on Black Lantern Records. It's a superb catchy, punchy anti-mcshiteburgerdisneyetc rant.

Also on the subject of monstrous appetite is an interesting mugabe from a collection of East/Central European experimental electronica 'Eastern Daze' from Audiotong.

Grab this now! 'Modluv' by Sans Blanc. I know nothing about them. It's a great album. Dada.

Here's a lovely album of glitchy electronica by Herve Provini-'Digital Music Landscape For Drum And Computer' on Audioactivity.

One last thing...I want to mention a couple of my favourite reggae releases of last year. Check out this beautiful bit of atonal spongy dancehall from Angie Angel-How You Feeling.
Also Natalie Storm with Dreadsquad-Beat That Chest. Bit of a surprise, that one. It's from a collection of Sleng Teng remixes on Superfly Poland. Yup. Great tune. Promptly followed by a load more remixes in December, none of which cut it.

Check back later this month for a new wombnet release.

go with dogs