Saturday 2 June 2012

Jared C. Balogh - Silent Anticipation


'Silent Anticipation' is the new album from Jared C. Balogh, here, free to download as FLAC or 320kbps MP3. 5 tunes of sudden beauty, hinting more at Stravinsky than Coltrane, with the occasional nod to complex prog of the early 1970s. Natural sounds in impossible combinations. This is an unusual album, and if you know my podcast you'll know I don't say that lightly. It's sometimes lyrical and sometimes challenging, depending on the mood of the listener. Like all wombnet releases, this music could only have been made by this person, at this time.

Jared C. Balogh is from Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. He formed this project in July 2010, applying a jazz ideology to a classical framework. This music is made entirely with software. Jared has releases on Surrism-Phonoethics, Enough Records, Classwar Karaoke, Headphonica, Happy Puppy Records, 45 Echoes Sounds, Sirona Records, Itsu-Jitsu, Taped Rug Productions and Blek Blekk and has collaborated with artists Lezet, Hal McGee, Sean Derrick Cooper Marquardt, Kawol, Igor Amokian, The Merricks, Sinus Buds, Charles Rice III and Dmah+++

He has several albums at the Free Music Archive here, and at his home page


01.The Anticipation Of Springmp3 flac
02.Fluctuations Of February mp3 flac
03.End Chapter mp3 flac
04.Silence Is Power mp3 flac
05.Ode To Lexi mp3 flac

'Silent Anticipation' at the FMA

  Creative Commons License
Silent Anticipation by Jared C. Balogh is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License .
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at